node-fetch: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v3.3.2(over 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 3Monthly npm downloads

Node-fetch is a lightweight and efficient library that brings window.fetch to Node.js environments. It allows you to make HTTP requests in a simple and straightforward manner, supporting features like streaming, promises, and async/await syntax. Node-fetch is known for its ease of use and compatibility with the Fetch API, making it a popular choice for handling network requests in Node.js applications.

Compared to alternatives like Axios or Request, Node-fetch stands out for its minimalistic approach and adherence to the Fetch API standard. It offers a modern and clean interface for making HTTP requests without the need for additional dependencies.

Alternatives: axios, request, got

Tags: node.jshttpfetchnetwork requestspromises