React-Async-Hook: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v4.0.0(about 3 years ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 0Monthly npm downloads

React Async Hook is a library that simplifies handling asynchronous operations in React components using hooks. It provides a clean and intuitive API for managing data fetching, caching, and error handling in a declarative way. With React Async Hook, you can easily handle complex asynchronous logic without the need for additional state management libraries.

Compared to other solutions like React Query or SWR, React Async Hook offers a lightweight and focused approach specifically tailored for handling asynchronous operations with hooks in React. It is actively maintained and receives regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest React features.

Alternatives: react-query, swr, use-async-effect

Tags: reactasynchooksdata-fetchingerror-handling